GR-07-87:  Control and Suppression of the Pink Bollworm


On November 18, 1987, the Gila River Indian Community passed Ordinance GR-07-87, Chapter 10: Control and Suppression of Pink Bollworm of Cotton and the Cotton Boll Weevil Complex.


Due to the devastating impact the pink bollworm and boll weevil complex can have on cotton producing crops within the Community, GR-07-87 established provisions for the control of the pink bollworm and boll weevil complex.


To view an update on the status of the pink bollworm in the cotton industry from the USDA, clik here.



GR-01-19 Apiary Registration Code


On January 16, 2019, the Gila River Indian Community passed GR-001-19 Apiary Registration Code.


The Apiary Registration Code was established to provide requirements for the registration and authorized placement of managed bee colonies within the Community. 



GR-004-22: Pesticide Code


On November 16, 2022, the Gila River Indian Community passed Ordinance GR-004-22, Chapter 3:  Pesticide Code (Code).


Since the last Gila River Pesticide Code was adopted in 2014, two significant federal rule changes have been enacted: 40 CFR 170, Worker Protection Standard, and 40 CFR 171, the Certification of Pesticide Applicators rule. In addition, amendments to the Code were required to ensure that the code’s provisions are clear, concise, applicable, and defensible in a court of law while the opportunity existed to seek regulatory solutions to address the changing demands of the Community as to how pesticides are regulated. 


Enactment of the Code formalizes and establishes uniform requirements and procedures for the safe handling, storage, sale, production, transportation, and application of pesticides within the Reservation, in order to protect the public health, safety and environment of the Community and of all individuals living and/or working within the Reservation.